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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wireless ISP's For Mobile Internet Access

The biggest misconception about wireless internet access is that you can connect from anywhere. That simply isn't the case. wireles internet service providers (or WISPs, for short) will have to operate a series of towers that transmit their Internet signals in a fashion similar to how cell phone towers operate. This is a costly endeavor that takes time to establish, so at this point in time (early-2009) you will find there are two types of wireless providers you can look into:

  • Nationwide WISPs - These are global providers that seek to cover large stretches of land with their wireles towers in areas that cover the greatest number of potential users. Examples include T-Mobile, Boingo, and Clearwire.
  • Local WISPs - These are smaller companies which seek to build a wireles internet network that covers a specific city, group of towns, or region. An example would be a local WISP that covers only several smaller towns in a remote part of Texas which doesn't have DSL or Cable.

The type of WISP you should look for will depend on what you need.

If you need Internet access while roaming the country, then you should go with a nationwide WISP. Using this type of service, you can expect to find hotspots in metropolitan areas and any place where large numbers of people gather. This includes airports, schools, malls, inns, hotels, and popular stores such as Starbuck's and Kinko's.

If there are no DSL or Cable providers in your area and you'd like wireless Internet access to your home, then you should check to see if there is a local WISP that has built a network in your area. If not, then you might have to settle with Satellite Internet, which is just as fast as wireless, but quite a bit more expensive.

Where To Look For A Wireless Internet Provider

If you are looking for wireless access while away from your home or office, then we suggest checking the Wi-Fi Hot Spot List. All you need to provide is a physical address, and this site will give you all nearby hotspot locations from various wireless Internet providers, including T-Mobile, Airpath, Boingo, Wayport, and many more. However, if you are looking for local WISPs by country or state, the best database for that is the global directory located at the Broadband Wireless Exchange.

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